Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thank You Thursday

1. When life starts heading to the crapper, I guess you have life itself to be thankful for. It's really not that bad. Someday I may even be thankful for this headache we also call our house in Florida.

2. I'm thankful for my free day yesterday.  Excused from work due to low attendance, I was free to go home and get work done AND a leisure project!

3. I'm thankful our kids are in the school district everyone warned us to avoid when we moved here.  The kindergarten debacle in the elite district is enough to make my head spin.

4. I'm thankful I got through my inbox.... again. Why oh why do I let it get piled up? Forwards are one reason. My I'll get to it later when I have more time attitude is the other.

5. I'm grateful for the success of others.  Particularly others who work hard and deserve it.  {Shawn, I'm talking to you!}

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Fairborn, Ohio, United States
I'm a teacher by trade, writer at heart & mom in every sense of my being. I never considered writing as a profession, but after I got married and began moving around the country, I began sharing my adventures, misadventures & updates through a sort of e-mail newsletter. I found a true passion in unconventional story-telling that has followed me into motherhood.