Sunday, August 24, 2014

Little Snacker

If you've noticed my notable absence from blogging over the last year plus, it isn't out of pure laziness {okay, maybe a little!} but more a combination of a host of things, including a roller coaster ride of exciting ups & defeating downs.  I don't want to be that person who parades their reach of personal happiness to the world as if I've championed my life.  I also don't want to be the person who swims in the moat of defeat in her pinnacle of paradise.  So I've laid low, lived my life, and honored my promise to unfold the stories that bring smiles & laughter on a plate of straight-up reality.

Enter our new puppy, Amelia.  Amelia is a rescue pup and clocks in at seven and a half months old.  But don't be fooled, this little gal has already refined a collection of habits & tastes.  And that is where our story begins.

After a series of recent bathroom break-ins, it became clear that our new dog's favorite time of the month is that time of the month.  If snacking on used feminine hygiene products was a crime, this pup would be on doggie death row.  We wrapped up our investigation several days ago and implemented a fool proof plan to keep our canine criminal's fetish at bay.  Little did we know she was holding onto evidence....  In her bowels!

If there is a director in Hollywood who could perfectly recreate the scene that played out in my living room this morning of a grown man shivering and shaking like a dog in need of relief, an Academy Award would be sure to follow.  I'll spare you the details of my husband's hand grab between the 14th & 15th holes yesterday afternoon.  But of course this could not happen in someone's yard, it has to happen right along the cart path just down the road.  And in his words, "It's a good thing I grabbed a big bag!"

The bottom line: this dog is keeping us on our toes!

So to my friend Teri, who couldn't wait to hear about our adventures in Minnesota.... I told you I doubted they would be good, because after all Minnesotans weren't nearly as interesting as people in Ohio; I know because I am one of them.  I amend that statement.... because after all, I guess I am one of them!

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{About Me}

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Fairborn, Ohio, United States
I'm a teacher by trade, writer at heart & mom in every sense of my being. I never considered writing as a profession, but after I got married and began moving around the country, I began sharing my adventures, misadventures & updates through a sort of e-mail newsletter. I found a true passion in unconventional story-telling that has followed me into motherhood.