Two little girls. Two tonsillectomies. Two adenoidectomies. Two waiting parents. Two hour recovery until we were sent home for two weeks of calm, peaceful rest.... Is that two much to ask?!
As the rest of Dayton enjoyed a sunny day, we left our house just before 10 am bound for Dayton Children's where both of the girls were admitted for routine, outpatient surgery. Boy was I relieved when they led us down the hall to a cozy room for two.
Lauren was a nervous wreck. Not sure of what to expect, and not willing to be away from her mama in times of uncertainty, she was less than thrilled about the impending procedure. The medicine did little to calm her nerves; in fact I'm pretty sure she was coherent enough when I walked her back to surgery that she remembers our entire trek & good-bye.
Abby, on the other hand, was giddy with excitement at the thought of a new adventure. She was also not giving into relaxation, quizzing me until the moment she left with clues to whatever word she had on her mind.
Once both girls were gone, Mom & Dad waited patiently for the results of the surgery, enjoying every ounce of peace & quiet. And once the good word was received, it was time for our first date since we've been back in Dayton: the hospital cafeteria!
When they wheeled Lauren back into the room for recovery after she came to, she was a quiet, pale shell of her former self. It wasn't until her big sister was escorted in happy as a clam that she began to perk up. If slushies were made with booze, Abby would have been sloshed. She pounded one white cherry slushy before dozing into oblivion, than three more after the nurse finally woke her up.
Lauren also got into the act, and my dynamic duo were back in business, taking full advantage of slushies & Sprite with a Scooby-Doo Meets Batman & Robin chaser. Somewhere along the way Lauren gave in to the day's events, and before it was time to go she admitted, "I had fun."
And so it is.... Our summer is going out with a bang that sounds like cauterizing tissue. Another adventure. Another life experience. Another moment that ties these two lovely girls of mine together.
Life with these two is never dull. This blog is dedicated to the stories that make life with my lovelies, Abby & Lauren, a thrill to live.
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{About Me}

- brookie
- Fairborn, Ohio, United States
- I'm a teacher by trade, writer at heart & mom in every sense of my being. I never considered writing as a profession, but after I got married and began moving around the country, I began sharing my adventures, misadventures & updates through a sort of e-mail newsletter. I found a true passion in unconventional story-telling that has followed me into motherhood.
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