Fast forward thirteen years. Wow, its been that many?! Now I have two sweet little girls of my own. And while I love what each stage & age has brought them, I often find myself thinking, I can't wait until....
But tonight, it was as if time stood still; I found myself drinking it in. The way the girls circled their daddy on the deck as he tended to the grill. The giggles at the supper table. The tiny fingers wrapped around my full-grown hand on our evening stroll through the neighborhood, even though she didn't have to hold my hand on the entire journey. The way Tiny ran ahead of the pack, sneaking through neighbors' sprinklers, gasping with pleasure. The way the sidewalk chalk crumpled in our hands as we gave the driveway a touch of flair.
Not so long ago my evenings were spent perched on the couch feeding, snuggling, soothing & reading stories. Now my evenings are graced with a sweet little angel voice reading the stories to me. I smile as she innocently interprets the illustrations into stories. And hold back tears as she emphasizes that 'Boston is old; very old.'

1 comment:
I love the new lay out. I know what you are feeling.
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