They love you unconditionally.
They keep your secrets.
They clean the food off your floors.
They smile with their hearts.
They forgive you your faults.
They are loyal.
They are faithful.
They warn you of danger.
They protect you at no cost.
They ask for little in return.... food, water & love. Everything else is just icing on the cake.
Seven months after we got married, we started our family & opened our hearts to a dog. She's logged hundreds of thousands of miles in our backseat. Lived with us in five different states. Chased more animals than we could ever count. And we've chased after her more times than we care to count. She was the only one to greet us when we brought both of our babies home from the hospital. The only dog we've shared as a family.
They teach you about love.
They teach you about letting go.
Today we had to put our beloved dog, our loyal friend to sleep. It was the hardest decision we've ever had to make. After all she's done for us, this we did for her. Huddled together on the floor, we held her as she finally found peace and took in her last breath. We shed many tears, more than we can count.
What they say must be true, all dogs really do go to Heaven. I know this because she's already sent us signs. We see them Lizzie. And we see life in a unique way because of you. If you know Lizzie, you know the tales.
So enjoy chasing squirrels, rabbits & cats. Enjoy your naps in the sun. And know that we'll go on enjoying our lives, too. Until we meet up with you in Heaven, it's like we tell the girls.... you're always in our hearts.
RIP Lizzie Girl.
Life with these two is never dull. This blog is dedicated to the stories that make life with my lovelies, Abby & Lauren, a thrill to live.
Monday, October 15, 2012
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{About Me}

- brookie
- Fairborn, Ohio, United States
- I'm a teacher by trade, writer at heart & mom in every sense of my being. I never considered writing as a profession, but after I got married and began moving around the country, I began sharing my adventures, misadventures & updates through a sort of e-mail newsletter. I found a true passion in unconventional story-telling that has followed me into motherhood.