Life with these two is never dull. This blog is dedicated to the stories that make life with my lovelies, Abby & Lauren, a thrill to live.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tiny Conversation
Lauren: "Where are you going, Papa?"
Papa: "Crazy. Do you want to come along?"
Lauren: "Yes! Do we have to wear our shoes?"
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Replacements
Yesterday was D-Day. The day Abby's been waiting for. The day she had a date with dental destiny. The day she lost her first tooth. Correction, her first teeth.
{The Baby Teeth and The Replacements}
{Sharon Shows Abby Her Extractions}
{Toothless and Lovin' It}
Abby handled the dentist's chair like a pro. She was full of patience and giggles as Dr. DeLaitsch wiggled & pulled out her teeth. The tears came later.
After a night out for supper to celebrate her Papa's birthday, we returned to Grandma & Papa's house to retire for the evening. Abby didn't need to be reminded to place her little treasures in her Tooth Fairy pouch and place it under her pillow, but somewhere in it all the emotions inside of her got the better of her and she fell apart.
Tears streamed down her cheeks. After taking a few moments alone with her teeth I found her crying, "I have to let them go, it's part of life." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "All my teeth were my best buddies." And on and on she went. Finally I sat down for a heart-to-heart and simply told her she did not need to give her teeth away; if they meant that much to her, they were hers to do with as she wished.
In the end, the magic of the Tooth Fairy reigned. Abby placed the pouch with her first two baby teeth under her pillow, and when she said good night she confided, "I'm moving over to make room for the Tooth Fairy." No doubt that Tooth Fairy was grateful to have the space to reach under her head that night.
My usually late sleeper was up at 6 am this morning with the excitement of striking gold. Low-and-behold the Tooth Fairy had left in their place Dr. Seuss' The Tooth Book and two one dollar coins.
I am happy to report so far today there have not been any tears. Only little Abby with exactly as many teeth as she should have, and a whole life experience richer.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thank You Thursday
1. I'm thankful for life.
2. I'm thankful for drinking in Crazy Days, but mostly I'm thankful for this year's only taste of a State Fair Malt. Delish!
3. I'm thankful Abby giggled instead of crying when she had her teeth pulled out at the dentist today.
4. I'm thankful I move fast. Unfortunately the mosquitoes still move faster.
5. I'm thankful for the comedic relief of irony.
2. I'm thankful for drinking in Crazy Days, but mostly I'm thankful for this year's only taste of a State Fair Malt. Delish!
3. I'm thankful Abby giggled instead of crying when she had her teeth pulled out at the dentist today.
4. I'm thankful I move fast. Unfortunately the mosquitoes still move faster.
5. I'm thankful for the comedic relief of irony.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. Summer dentist exam. Check.
2. Catching up with an old friend & an enjoyable afternoon at the water park. Check, check.
3. Looking forward to a day at Mall of America & supper with Grandma tomorrow night. Life really is good.
4. Thanks to my mother-in-law we had the recipe for super-delish burritos tonight. The yummy rhubarb crisp was just the icing on the cake.
5. Abby is working on getting out her two front teeth. She tells people she has two teeth she doesn't need. True. Her adult teeth are about as tall as her baby teeth now. If they don't come out I guess the dentist will have to step in. D-Day is Thursday @ 10:20.
6. Now that I'm in complete summer relaxation mode it seems almost unfair for it all to end. I love Geoff, but I'm not ready to go back to Ohio.
7. You never know what you're going to find under Grandma's steps.
8. I love spending time with my cousins when I'm home. How lucky I am!
9. Lauren's thing lately is that everyone is breaking her heart. If she only knew. Funny how in such a disagreeable state is so cute on her.
10. I think it's cute how my Grandma loves Jimmy Johns. I love Jimmy Johns, too. I also love Jimmy Fallon and Taco Johns.
2. Catching up with an old friend & an enjoyable afternoon at the water park. Check, check.
3. Looking forward to a day at Mall of America & supper with Grandma tomorrow night. Life really is good.
4. Thanks to my mother-in-law we had the recipe for super-delish burritos tonight. The yummy rhubarb crisp was just the icing on the cake.
5. Abby is working on getting out her two front teeth. She tells people she has two teeth she doesn't need. True. Her adult teeth are about as tall as her baby teeth now. If they don't come out I guess the dentist will have to step in. D-Day is Thursday @ 10:20.
6. Now that I'm in complete summer relaxation mode it seems almost unfair for it all to end. I love Geoff, but I'm not ready to go back to Ohio.
7. You never know what you're going to find under Grandma's steps.
8. I love spending time with my cousins when I'm home. How lucky I am!
9. Lauren's thing lately is that everyone is breaking her heart. If she only knew. Funny how in such a disagreeable state is so cute on her.
10. I think it's cute how my Grandma loves Jimmy Johns. I love Jimmy Johns, too. I also love Jimmy Fallon and Taco Johns.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Flashback Friday
September 13, 2006
It's hard to believe there was a time when my Tiny was mosquito bite free, wore a hat and stayed so still.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Thank You Thursday
1. I'm thankful for cousins.
2. I'm thankful for being in Owatonna and just being.
3. I'm thankful Geoff got our air conditioner fixed, but sorry he had to endure a night of suffocating heat. Consequently, I'm thankful he's reminded why I want to move north & avoid south.
4. I'm thankful for the time & resources to move along with my Christmas projects.
5. I'm thankful my little ladies are enjoying life and gaining opportunities they can only have here.... it fills their minds & their souls.
2. I'm thankful for being in Owatonna and just being.
3. I'm thankful Geoff got our air conditioner fixed, but sorry he had to endure a night of suffocating heat. Consequently, I'm thankful he's reminded why I want to move north & avoid south.
4. I'm thankful for the time & resources to move along with my Christmas projects.
5. I'm thankful my little ladies are enjoying life and gaining opportunities they can only have here.... it fills their minds & their souls.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
{Between the Pages: "Saving CeeCee Honeycutt"}
The novel that pulls at your heart strings. Beth Hoffman's Saving CeeCee Honeycutt tells the tale of a preteen whose life is riddled with the torture of a mentally ill mother and an absent father. When it seems her world has fallen apart around her, she is saved by the love of women far away from her modest Midwest home.
Beth Hoffman has penned a beautifully uplifting story of hope in Saving CeeCee Honeycutt. A delightful summer read, Saving CeeCee Honeycutt is the perfectly constructed tale of a little girl in the 1960s who is all but lost in the world by the mistakes of her parents. But by the grace of a great-aunt in Georgia, CeeCee leaves the only home she has even known in Ohio. In doing show she has opened a door of opportunity, stepping into the lives of women who show CeeCee her true potential, her boundaries, and an endless bounty of love.
I enjoyed every page of this novel. It was easy to get into, easy to follow, eloquently written, and left me with the wonderment of the adventures that lie ahead for this seemingly lost young lady.
I recommend this story to anyone who enjoys a story of hope, the power of love and friendship, or a light-hearted, inspiring read.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. I've met a lot of people, but never met an umpire for professional baseball. I've also never met an air marshal. Maybe neither are allowed to discuss their professions with lay people. Maybe I just need to get out more.
2. Do me a favor, don't buy the girls balloons. Balloons that are already inflated are mildly acceptable. The others just create a circus of latex chaos.
3. If I had three wishes one of them would be for snow.
4. Minnesota mosquitoes are usually witty & excellent swatting evaders. Not this year. It seems the heat is even slowing these guys down.
5. The two years I spent isolated & alone with the girls in our house in Florida I wondered if we were ever going to be out in the real world enjoying ourselves. This summer we're making up for lost time.
6. I like roasted hot dogs on the fire.
7. I had one beer last night at the Twins game. I'm not usually a fan of consuming a malted beverage in such sweltering conditions, but it really helped to dull the pain. This morning I needed two Tylenol to combat the effects of last night's drinking spree. I'm getting so old!
8. Why is it that I can only find Canadian Bacon Party Pizzas in Minnesota? And why is it that they are about a third of their original size?!
9. I really thought Abby had the crossword puzzle thing down. To each her own, I guess. Any guesses on which word Abby found?
10. People thought we were strange when we dipped bacon in chocolate. I have to admit, I never would have thought of it myself, but it was oddly delicious. Yesterday I saw a recipe for a peanut butter cookie with chocolate & bacon. I'm not sure I'd be so tempted to try it if they weren't raving about it on Twin Cities Live: {}. Good luck with your entry at the Minnesota State Fair this year, Alice!
2. Do me a favor, don't buy the girls balloons. Balloons that are already inflated are mildly acceptable. The others just create a circus of latex chaos.
3. If I had three wishes one of them would be for snow.
4. Minnesota mosquitoes are usually witty & excellent swatting evaders. Not this year. It seems the heat is even slowing these guys down.
5. The two years I spent isolated & alone with the girls in our house in Florida I wondered if we were ever going to be out in the real world enjoying ourselves. This summer we're making up for lost time.
6. I like roasted hot dogs on the fire.
7. I had one beer last night at the Twins game. I'm not usually a fan of consuming a malted beverage in such sweltering conditions, but it really helped to dull the pain. This morning I needed two Tylenol to combat the effects of last night's drinking spree. I'm getting so old!
8. Why is it that I can only find Canadian Bacon Party Pizzas in Minnesota? And why is it that they are about a third of their original size?!
9. I really thought Abby had the crossword puzzle thing down. To each her own, I guess. Any guesses on which word Abby found?
10. People thought we were strange when we dipped bacon in chocolate. I have to admit, I never would have thought of it myself, but it was oddly delicious. Yesterday I saw a recipe for a peanut butter cookie with chocolate & bacon. I'm not sure I'd be so tempted to try it if they weren't raving about it on Twin Cities Live: {}. Good luck with your entry at the Minnesota State Fair this year, Alice!
Ten on Tuesdays,
Website Link
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Cabin
My favorite place on the entire planet. It's always my favorite part of summer. The place where we go to rest, relax, play & fill our souls. I'm so grateful that I am blessed enough to share it with my lovelies.
{Abby Splashes in the Lake}
{Lauren Steps In}
{Lizzie Guards the Steps}
{Room For a View}
{Lovely Strawberry-Picking}
{Lauren Fishing with a Loon}
{Minnesota's State Bird}
{Papa & Lauren's Perch}
{An Eagle Fishing Down the Shore}
{Papa & Lauren....
Lauren's First Ride in Great Grandpa's Boat}
{Abby's First Ride in Great Grandpa's Boat}
{Papa & His Girls Fishing off the Dock}
Friday, July 15, 2011
Flashback Friday
It's pretty much a right of passage at one point in time to be weighed by the fish scale.
June 3, 2007
{Papa Puts Tiny in the Sack}
{Great Grandpa Guesses Her Weight}
{The Verdict: 20½ lbs.}
{Time to Unwrap His Birthday Present}
Grandpa, the cabin isn't the same without you.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Thank You Thursday
1. I'm thankful for summer vacation, and for the memories we're blessed to make.
2. I'm thankful for the people in our lives that teach the girls about some of the best parts of life. You know who you are.
3. I'm thankful to be back in Minnesota. This will always be where my heart is. There really is no place like home.
4. I'm thankful for the strength to go to the cabin on my own. I hate being here alone, but I guess just being here outweighs the fear.
5. I'm thankful my parents & Shawn are coming up to the tonight. The girls & I are looking forward to the fishing & the company!
2. I'm thankful for the people in our lives that teach the girls about some of the best parts of life. You know who you are.
3. I'm thankful to be back in Minnesota. This will always be where my heart is. There really is no place like home.
4. I'm thankful for the strength to go to the cabin on my own. I hate being here alone, but I guess just being here outweighs the fear.
5. I'm thankful my parents & Shawn are coming up to the tonight. The girls & I are looking forward to the fishing & the company!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. Minnesota, your state shut-down sucks. You leave me no choice. I will be fishing, with or without a license. Do you suppose a tackle box full of old licenses is enough to prove good intention?
2. I need a vacation after that vacation.... Time to head up north to the cabin.
3. Okay, so I don't need a vacation. But we're heading up north for the weekend anyways. Why not go up a few days earlier and jump in the lake?!
4. I've decided I need to start training for next summer's trip to the water park. If you only knew how much strength repeated trips up the mountain require.
5. I loved my time in Washington; all of it! With that said, I cried Sunday morning as I drove down 35 back to Owatonna. I don't think I could ever love being anywhere as much as I love being in Minnesota.
6. Why is it that the nails on my ring fingers grow faster than the rest?!
7. Confession Alert: I'm taking my time finishing my current read. I'm determined to finish Wicked this summer; I am not looking forward to it.
8. Reason No. Two Minnesota's State Shut-Down Sucks: I promised to take the girls to walk across the Mississippi while we were up north this summer. Come on St. Paul; I'm sure I'm not the only one annoyed!
9. Fireflies hide under shingles in the rain.
10. My new favorite thing: Burt's Bees Outdoor Bug Bite Relief {}. Lauren's skin thanks you, Burt!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Abby Talks Fishing
These days Abby loves to talk. She loves one-on-one time with adults, just chatting, just talking about life.
Last night it was my turn. Me & my girl snuggled up my bed watching one of my Sunday night faves, Minnesota Bound. One segment featured a young woman's adventures in fishing. It sparked Abby's memory of trips to the cabin gone by, and with this year's cabin adventure closing in, she's looking forward to getting into Great Grandpa's boat and dipping the line of her new pole in the water with her Papa.
This is Abby's take on how to catch a fish....
I think that you find fish when you're swimming in the water. You catch it with your fishing pole & you bring it into your boat. Then you find it some water. There's a box & there's water, and you can put the fish in there, and you close it up.
You bring them in the house, and then you bake them. Or you can put them in the fridge.
Last night it was my turn. Me & my girl snuggled up my bed watching one of my Sunday night faves, Minnesota Bound. One segment featured a young woman's adventures in fishing. It sparked Abby's memory of trips to the cabin gone by, and with this year's cabin adventure closing in, she's looking forward to getting into Great Grandpa's boat and dipping the line of her new pole in the water with her Papa.
This is Abby's take on how to catch a fish....
I think that you find fish when you're swimming in the water. You catch it with your fishing pole & you bring it into your boat. Then you find it some water. There's a box & there's water, and you can put the fish in there, and you close it up.
You bring them in the house, and then you bake them. Or you can put them in the fridge.
{Lauren & Abby Watch Fish in Uncle Kim's Live Well}
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Golden Girls
Yesterday just might have been the best day of our trip! We worked hard cleaning up Grandma & Grandpa's house in the morning, and in the afternoon we played. By now we've been here two weeks and we've built up quite a base. But Friday was golden.
{Aunt Heidi & Lauren Floatin' in the Pool}
{Lauren Toss}
{Abby Toss}
{Jump, Lauren!}
{Lauren Plays with Her Circle of Swimming Friends}
{One Tired Tiny}
{Abby & Grandma.... The Golden Years}
Friday, July 8, 2011
Flashback Friday
Probably my favorite picture from our first trip to Washington.
June 27, 2009
These shaky little buns sure are going to miss Washington.
Until next year....
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Thank You Thursday
1. I'm thankful for the fresh mountain air. Geoff & I took a drive up to Mission Ridge {Washington's highest ski resort} last night. The temps were nearly 20 degrees cooler than 20 miles down in the valley, elevation thousands of feet higher. Never in my life have I seen snow and been bitten by mosquitoes on the same day! But most of all, the air was intoxicating. The most amazing aroma of mountain fir. If I could bottle it it would have made an endearing keepsake.
4. I'm thankful for my girls. Without these lovely little ladies my life wouldn't be nearly as fun!
5. I'm thankful Abby has her aunt, Heidi. The conversations & quality time make Abby's soul sing & smile.
{Mission Ridge}
2. I'm so thankful for my in-laws. You have made this trip to Washington so special for us all!
{Ice Cream in Leavenworth}
3. I am thankful I finally got to do Washington wine tasting. Fun & delish!
{Brooke, Geoff, Heidi & David}
4. I'm thankful for my girls. Without these lovely little ladies my life wouldn't be nearly as fun!
5. I'm thankful Abby has her aunt, Heidi. The conversations & quality time make Abby's soul sing & smile.
Thank You Thursdays,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Magnet Boards
I've had the idea to make these for awhile. Thanks Craft Warehouse {} in Wenatchee for having the goods!
You Need:
I put my embellishments on the paper before adhering the paper to the metal, that way I did not have to drill a hole through the metal.
If your sheet metal does not come with premade holes, drill holes at the top to string the ribbon through that are the size of a traditional hole punch. After the paper is adhered to the metal, a simple punch through the paper will allow the ribbon to slide through with ease.
*An alternative to gluing paper would be painting the surface. You can antique the edges to add character by using steel wool or sand paper. Finish by sealing with Mod Podge.
You Need:
- A sheet of galvanized sheet metal
- Paper*
- Ribbon
- Embelishments
- Mod Podge
- A Paint Brush
- A Hold Punch
- Magnets
I put my embellishments on the paper before adhering the paper to the metal, that way I did not have to drill a hole through the metal.
If your sheet metal does not come with premade holes, drill holes at the top to string the ribbon through that are the size of a traditional hole punch. After the paper is adhered to the metal, a simple punch through the paper will allow the ribbon to slide through with ease.
*An alternative to gluing paper would be painting the surface. You can antique the edges to add character by using steel wool or sand paper. Finish by sealing with Mod Podge.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. Only four of the fifty states do not have water defining their border.
2. Now I've pretty much seen the fireworks in all corners of our great nation. Fireworks from the mountains....
2. Now I've pretty much seen the fireworks in all corners of our great nation. Fireworks from the mountains....
{Walla Walla Park--Wenatchee, Washington}
3. We've been glued to the Casey Anthony trial, so it's no surprise that Abby's been cued in. After today's verdict she had this to say: "It isn't nice to kill a child or an adult. You should just let them die on their own." Well said, my six-year-old little lady.
4. For the record, my favorite place to watch fireworks is Minnesota. Nostalgia for sure. But also, nothing tops the fireworks on the lake, be it Pokegama or Superior with the Lift Bridge for a backdrop.
5. Hands down the best gift anyone has given my girls is their time & attention. If you are one of the selfless givers I thank you.
6. We're still waiting for Abby's baby teeth to come out.
7. The Casey Anthony verdict has been eating at my mind all day. Yes, I think she did it. Maybe I'm wrong, but all of the signs point to her. What bothers me the most though is the greater lesson: you can lie and get away with murder. What a shame if that is the standard we set.
8. Tonight....
Her dirty feet tell the tale of her travels.
9. If you want to know why we come to Washington for two weeks exactly when we do I have two words for you: This Tree....
10. I love surprises. I also love gifts that are given for no other reason than the fact that someone was thinking of me.
Ten on Tuesdays,
Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Important Post
Inspired by The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown.
The Important Post....
The important thing about Washington is that its terrain is varied & unique.
Its capital is Olympia
And it is in the Pacific Northwest.
It is the only state named after a president,
And pop is ridiculously over-priced.
But the important thing about Washington is that its terrain is varied & unique.
The important thing about Wenatchee is that it is where we all come together.
It is named after the Wenatchi Indians,
It rests along the Columbia & the Wenatchee Rivers,
And prides itself as The Apple Capital of the World.
Located in the center of Washington, it's at home between the mountains.
Grandpa & Grandma live here,
And we love all of the fun we have when we visit.
And we love all of the fun we have when we visit.
But the important thing about Wenatchee is that this is where we come together.
The important thing about Slide Waters is that it is fun for us all.
It is perched on a mountain,
And it overlooks Lake Chelan.
Every year we voyage there,
Spending a day playing in the sun.
But the important thing about Side Waters water park is that it is fun for us all.
The important thing about Leavenworth is that it takes you to another place.
It is embraced by snow-capped mountains,
And graced with a Bavarian flare.
It has great Christmas shops,
And ice cream, and lollipops.
But the important thing about Leavenworth is that it takes you to another place.
The important thing about The Owl Soda Fountain shop is that it serves ice cream.
It is old-fashioned & charming,
It has a counter with spinney stools.
And we go once a summer for a tasty treat.
But the important thing about The Owl is that it serves ice cream.
The important thing about Aunt Heidi is that she's our aunt.
She's our dad's younger sister,
And she lives in Spokane.
She plays with us,
And does projects with us.
And she has a silly laugh.
But the important thing about Aunt Heidi is that she's our aunt.
The important thing about Uncle Kevin is that he is fun.
He is married to our aunt, Heidi,
And he has a bushy beard.
He hails from Nebraska,
And he's not afraid to put us in line.
But the important thing about Uncle Kevin is that he is fun.
The important thing about Grandpa Phillips is that he loves our grandma.
It is true that he is smart,
And he likes to play golf,
And he has a giant heart.
But the important thing about Grandpa Phillips is that he loves our Grandma.
The important thing about Grandma Phillips is that she's all ours.
She takes us to the park,
And treats us to toys....
and gum....
and ice cream.
And she always greets us with a hug & a smile.
There isn't anything we don't love about our snow cone makin' granny.
But the important thing about Grandma Phillips is that she's all ours.
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{Blog Archive}
- Tiny Conversation
- The Replacements
- Flashback Friday
- Thank You Thursday
- Ten on Tuesday
- Flashback Friday
- Thank You Thursday
- {Between the Pages: "Saving CeeCee Honeycutt"}
- Ten on Tuesday
- The Cabin
- Flashback Friday
- Thank You Thursday
- Gone Fishing
- Ten on Tuesday
- Abby Talks Fishing
- Golden Girls
- Flashback Friday
- Thank You Thursday
- Magnet Boards
- Ten on Tuesday
- The Important Post
- Flashback Friday
{About Me}

- brookie
- Fairborn, Ohio, United States
- I'm a teacher by trade, writer at heart & mom in every sense of my being. I never considered writing as a profession, but after I got married and began moving around the country, I began sharing my adventures, misadventures & updates through a sort of e-mail newsletter. I found a true passion in unconventional story-telling that has followed me into motherhood.