I'm late, I know. Normal me would have had this up right after trick-or-treating, but due to technical difficulties and one busy Halloweekend, I've left you hanging until November.
When in Fairborn, shop at Foy's, so Foy's it was for this year's Halloween costumes. Lauren was confident Woody was for her, and Abby couldn't be more thrilled to be a princess.
We suited up for trick-or-treating on Beggars' Night--it's an Ohio thing--Saturday night, the perfect night for such an event. I have to say, strange as it is not to trick-or-treat on Halloween, they know how to get freaky and crazy in Ohio! The Minnesotans in us didn't have the hearts to tell the girls that Saturday wasn't actually Halloween; we don't want to scar them. But this year it may not have mattered. They were into it completely, the princess and the Woody.
{Posed with Poise}
{Taking Down the Sconnies' Packer}