If it is true that children draw the things that are important to them, then this one comes pretty close to summing up Abby's world.

Mommy & Daddy standing next to one another (thankfully, I am the smaller one) inside of a bra.
Bra-illiant, Abby.
Life with these two is never dull. This blog is dedicated to the stories that make life with my lovelies, Abby & Lauren, a thrill to live.
Sweetheart Valentines
You will need:
For the finishing touch, add a message or a 'To and From' tagline.
Message Suggestions
Abby's 5th birthday was graced with a visit from her Aunt Heidi & Uncle Kevin, who flew all the way from Washington to celebrate with us! To mark the occasion we took in an afternoon of bowling. These two videos pretty much frame our outing.
As always, you will want to pause the playlist on the right side of the screen to hear the audio accompaniment.
Spare Blow
Tiny Bowler