This is one of the girls' favorite projects. Now that they've gotten the hang of it and can do it with ease, I use it as a way to keep them occupied while I get things done.... like putting away groceries. Best of all, it isn't even candy. Shhhh, don't tell them that!
You will need:
Fruity Cheerios
1 mm. elastic cord
1. Cut elastic cord to desired length.
2. Tie one Cheerio to either end of the cord, leaving an inch or two to tie the necklace when it is complete. This way when the child picks up the necklace the Cheerios don't all come sliding off.
3. Place Cheerios on cord, one at a time until there is about two inches of cord left.
4. Tie necklace and its ready to wear and eat!
It took the girls a little while to get the hang of it, but now they are pros. Lauren was about two and a half when we first started this project, and she actually picked it up faster than Abby, who is 15 months older.
At this age, for my
girls, the fun is in the creation. For older children this makes for a great lesson in patterns and mathematics!